App Generator: Configuration errors and possible problems

Modified on Fri, 22 Sep 2023 at 04:04 PM

In the top right corner of the main navigation, the quality check of the configuration is displayed at any time via a colored icon. A click on the button opens the list of all identified errors and possible problems.

Errors are displayed in red and must be corrected before the application can be released. At this point, for example, it is checked whether there is at least one tab on the overview and whether at least one table column links to the detailed content.

Possible configuration problems indicate display errors or logic gaps in the release workflow. In this section it is checked, for example, whether statuses have been configured to which no transition leads or whether there is no possibility to restore a deleted content. If necessary, it makes sense for the application to ignore a possible problem. This list should be checked very thoroughly, but the application can be released and used even with potential problems identified.

Before testing or releasing a configuration, these checks are run again and displayed.

Tip: It is recommended to focus on the usage scenario during configuration and to check any special features of the app generator only before release.

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